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Best of Paul Simon for Bass

This is a really special one. It contains 12 of Paul Simon's greatest hits, spanning from his early single Mother and Child Reunion through to four tracks from 1986's Graceland, featuring incredible fretless bass playing from Bakithi Kumalo. Also included are performances from Anthony Jackson, Tony Levin, David Hood, Jackie Jackson, Russell George, and Bob Cranshaw. Such amazing playing deserves accurate transcriptions, so Hampson has spent a lot of time detailing every note, technique, and overdub.

40 pages, PDF Format


NO TAB version: 35 pages


Titles Include:

Mother and Child Reunion
Me and Julio Down by the Schoolyard
American Tune
Still Crazy After All These Years
50 Ways to Leave Your Lover
Slip Slidin’ Away
Late in the Evening
The Boy in the Bubble
Diamonds on the Soles of Her Shoes
You Can Call Me Al




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