Flea's confident playing and in-your-face approach are probably some of the main reasons why so many Bass Players picked up playing the instrument.
There is some incredible playing across Red Hot Chili Peppers' first four albums and Aidan Hampson's latest book 'The Very Best of the 80's' features these amazing bass lines.
"Picking the songs was not easy", says Aidan, so he made sure all of the big hits are included: 'Higher Ground' and 'Me and My Friends'. As well as fan favorites, such as 'Get Up and Jump' and 'Blackeyed Blonde' which really help to demonstrate Flea's legendary funk/punk approach to slap bass. These tracks are great fun to play, and there is plenty to keep you busy shedding for a while!
Standard Notation & Tablatures
48 pages, PDF Format
Included Titles:
True Men Don't Kill Coyotes
Get Up and Jump
Green Heaven
Jungle Man
Blackeyed Blonde
Fight Like a Brave
Me and My Friends
Behind the Sun
Higher Ground
Knock Me Down
Stone Cold Bush
Pretty Little Ditty